Whatever your reasons for renting, it’s always best to make a plan before you make a move.
While it may seem like a waste of time to make a plan due to the ‘pack up and go’ nature of renting, a well thought out plan will help guide you, keep you on track and minimise the stress when things come up and get in the way – like work, and other life commitments.
Consider the following when planning your move…
How you plan to move
Where are you moving from and to?
For example, are you moving out from your parents’ place or a shared house, into an apartment?
If this sounds like you, it’s likely you will only have a room full of stuff and then some other bits and pieces scattered around.
For this kind of move, ask a friend or relative that has a ute if you can borrow it or just hire a truck.
Then organise and plan some help from family and friends to help move into your new place.
Tip – Make sure the vehicle is insured.
If you’re moving from one apartment or home into another, also consider what we just touched on if you don’t have too much stuff to move.
If you have a lot of things to move, consider contacting a range of removalists for quote comparisons.
Job relocation? Ask your employer if they will assist with organising.
Tip – If you don’t have much time, hate moving, or just can’t be bothered, get quotes from removalists that include packing and unpacking your things as part of their service.
What you’ll need when you move
When packing, consider packing all your essentials – that is anything you use on a daily basis – separately to everything else that will be packed.
This involves anything from chargers, laptops, computers, kitchen and cooking appliances to lounge room furniture and appliances like TV’s.
Next, separate everything else by packing room by room and marking the boxes accordingly.
Better yet, briefly list what items are in each box so you know where each item is packed.
This will make for a much easier move.
What you’ll need set up when you move in
Get in touch with utility providers like electricity, gas, water, phone and internet to find out their average turnaround time to ensure connections will be in place for the day you move in.
Additionally, consider asking about costs and keep these details handy for when you’re ready to move.
Tip – It’s also a good idea to have renters insurance. Make some enquiries and see which companies offer what, how much you’ll be paying and what it will cover.
Tip – See if you can get quotes or suburb usage averages from utility suppliers to calculate and determine a budget for your ongoing costs. This should give you a good idea for how much to set aside to cover regular outgoings.
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This information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. We are not financial, legal or tax advisers. You should seek appropriate professional advice specific to you before acting on this information.