Something to keep in mind is that from settlement, when the property becomes yours, you are responsible for any issues or damage.
This is why you may want to get in touch with your chosen insurance provider to arrange for your insurances to be in place ASAP for when you or your tenants move in.
There may even be particular insurance requirements in place by the lender, so double check your responsibilities and obligations of the lending agreement.
If the property is going to be your home, it might also be a good idea to start arranging the move.
Are you getting help moving yourself or will you be arranging removalists?
If you need to hire a truck, trailer or book in removalists, it would be a good idea to book everything in way ahead of time.
Don’t forget other moving items that will make it easier to relocate.
Things like tape, boxes, newspaper and wrapping.
Oh and don’t forget to get in touch with utility providers like water, electricity, gas, phone and internet, so connections are in place for when you move in.
Tip – See if you can get quotes or suburb usage averages from suppliers to calculate and determine a budget for your ongoing costs. Things like rates (council and water), electricity, insurances and internet connection, then matching this up with strata rates and you should have a good idea for how much to set aside to cover regular outgoings.
Looking to sell, buy or lease? Click here to contact John
This information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. We are not financial, legal or tax advisers. You should seek appropriate professional advice specific to you before acting on this information.