Loan repayments
How much you pay and how often will depend on how much you borrowed and the interest rate payable.
Council fees
Typically charged quarterly.
Strata fees
If you own an apartment, there’s also a quarterly fee for the administration and capital works fund. Fees vary on the type of apartment and block you live in and a lot of other finer details.
Home and contents insurance
Pricing ranges from the type of coverage you want and the things you’re insuring.
It’s also sometimes a requirement and condition for your home loan to have cover in place, so it’s best to consult with your lender about what’s required and get in contact with insurers to get an idea for pricing.
Mortgage protection insurance
Depending on your current situation, the property and the loan attached, mortgage protection insurance is something worth considering.
Utilities and household expenses
These include things like;
Home improvements and regular maintenance
These costs will depend on you and your property’s requirements.
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