Like anything you’re doing for the first time, you don’t and won’t know exactly what you’re doing, so getting proper help from the very beginning, even before getting involved in property investment, will only benefit you in the long run.
Even if you’ve been investing for some time, if you’re not up to date with constant changes in new technology, information and services available, you could really be behind and have it costing you unnecessary time, effort, energy and money.
You don’t know what you don’t know.
Most of the time, the only thing stopping people from really getting ahead is getting the right information from the right people.
Finding a mentor, or at least, very good paid professionals, is a good way to ensure you’re better positioned for property investment success.
It’s also best not to let ego and emotion cloud your best judgement, especially when you’re making big financial decisions.
If it costs you money up front but saves you money down the line, isn’t that still a worthwhile investment?
While your mentor/s won’t know everything, they should be able to at least guide you on the right path, showing you the pitfalls and traps to avoid and the benefits and tactics to adapt – Things they’ve learned either from their own personal experiences or from what they’ve been taught themselves.
This will ultimately save you countless amounts of time, effort, energy and money that you won’t even know it.
There’s lots of tips and tricks, strategies and procedures that you can follow, however applying only what works, makes sense and is relevant to you and your situation is key.
You’ll learn, if you’re not already aware, that there’s a bunch to cover about the ever changing nature of property investing, which can be very overwhelming at times.
Things can completely change, literally overnight, from forces beyond your control.
Things like changes in the property and finance markets as well as any changes in planning, regulations and legislation can also have some kind of an impact.
Having someone who will take an unbiased view of your current performance and how you to plan to adapt to any potential changes that will affect you can really help.
And that’s where a mentor comes in to help you.
But you can’t always just take, you must add as much value to their life as they will add to yours.
If you’re lucky to find someone willing to help you, ask them what you can do for them.
Share what you’ve learnt with them and see if it’s of any benefit to them.
Maybe they don’t know something that you know.
Maybe what you tell them can be incorporated into what they already know that will benefit both of you.
If what you know is of no use to them, ask how you can help them to make their life easier.
Be helpful and useful where possible.
On a final note, don’t force mentorship.
If they don’t want to help or can’t help you, don’t force it.
Not everyone has the time.
And while they won’t always be available, having someone that can help you out at least most of the time will really help.
You need a mentor who’s advice and suggestions will really help you out of tricky situations when you really need it.
If that means paying for a proper mentor or consultant, well, it could be some of the best money spent on property investment.
Looking to sell, buy or lease? Click here to contact John
This information is of a general nature only and does not take into account your objectives, financial situation or needs. We are not financial, legal or tax advisers. You should seek appropriate professional advice specific to you before acting on this information.