Allowing pets as part of the lease will generally help to attract a greater number of potential tenants. If the property being leased is an apartment, this is providing the body corporate allows pets in the building too.
There’s plenty of applicants that would make excellent tenants that constantly get looked over purely because they have pets.
Not only that but most tenants are prepared to pay a little extra or choose a property not exactly what they were looking for just to accommodate their pets.
This also makes for happier tenants.
Some tenants don’t even have pets but knowing they have the option to have pets in the future also increases their likelihood of them staying in the property even longer.
Also, most pets don’t cause anywhere near the damage landlords anticipate.
However, if it’s a genuine cause for concern, as some properties don’t and won’t suit pets, tell the agent that all pets will be considered with a ‘pet resume’ for your approval.
A simple one page pet resume should be completed for each individual pet and include PETS;
(P) Pictures – Recent pictures of the pet
(E) Explanation – A brief description of the pet
(T) Temperament – A brief description of the pets temperament
(S) Specifics – The pets details (breed, age, size and weight etc.)
The residential tenancy agreement can be written up and amended to allow for bond money to be claimed to cover any costs for damage caused by the pets that isn’t correctly rectified by the tenants on departure.
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